Functional Bodywork and Therapeutic Massage for Pain Relief and Mobility Improvement

Functional Bodywork also known as Anatomy Trains Structural Integration is a form of Massage Therapy that focuses on the body’s soft tissues (facia). Key modalities include therapeutic massage, scar tissue release, Anatomy Trains® Structural Integration and postural analysis and correction.

Anatomy Trains® Structural Integration is a scientifically validated process that uses various myofascial release techniques to improve and optimise posture and body movement. Imbalances due to physical trauma or emotional patterns can produce interference diminishing the body’s intrinsic capacity for healing. First developed by Dr Ida Rolf in New York (creator of Rolfing®), the work is based on the most recent discoveries of fascial lines of the body (Tom Mayer author of Anatomy Trains Book).

Postural analysis and correction as part of the Functional Therapeutic Massage can address chronic pain, headaches, breathing difficulties, stress and sleep problems, restrictions, discomfort, stress or trauma related to poor posture. These treatments do not involve high-velocity thrusting or painful cracking but gentle pressure and mobilization of connective tissues to facilitate the body’s natural realignment functions.

Anatomy Trains Structural Integration services are local to Edgecliff, Double Bay, Bondi, and most of Eastern Suburbs as well as Glebe, Newtown, Balmain, Annandale, and most of Inner West Sydney.

Holistic Health Solutions with Functional Bodywork and Therapeutic Massage

“I saw Max for pain resulting from Morton’s neuroma in my right foot, and pain from a boxing injury over 5 years ago. I was experiencing difficulty and pain when walking, as well as shoulder pain and a limited range of movement. I undertook a series of 12 Anatomy Trains Structural Integration sessions and experienced immediate relief from pain and increased mobility. In fact, after almost a year of abstinence from running, I was able to resume running within a few weeks which gave me immense joy!

I enjoyed Max’s approach and his clinical demeanor, he was focused, attentive, caring, and very professional. He took measurements before and after treatment and photographs to show the postural differences before and after the course. He explained well what he was doing at each step and set me exercises to do in between sessions. After 12 weeks I was walking without pain and was back in the gym lifting weights, I was ecstatic with the results and wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Max to anyone who would benefit from his skills.”

~ Brendon G.

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